(207) 594-0748
34 Buttermilk Drive, Thomaston, Maine 04861
34 Buttermilk Drive, Thomaston, Maine 04861
(207) 594-0748

Welcome to OHSTT

Our Mission

Owls Head, South Thomaston, Thomaston Solid Waste Corporation was established to provide the transfer of recycling and municipal solid waste generated by the residents and businesses of the Towns of Owls Head, South Thomaston and Thomaston.
OHSTT strives to:
  1. Provide excellent service for the residents and commercial users.
  2. Maximize the recycling and reduction of materials and minimize the disposal.
  3. Operate its facility in an efficient, user friendly, safe environmentally sound and sustainable manner in compliance with the Maine DEP regulatory requirements.
  4. Provide these services at a reasonable overall cost with a set of competitive user charges which reflect the cost of providing.

Recent News

Request for Snow Plowing Bids

The Transfer Station is seeking bids for plowing, sanding and salting for the 2023/2024 winter season at 34 Buttermilk Drive, Thomaston Maine.

For more information and a site visit, contact the office at 207-594-0748.

Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “Transfer Station Plowing Bid” and returned to the Facility Manager at the Transfer Station at 34 Buttermilk Drive by Wednesday, November 15, 2023 at 4:00 PM.


