(207) 594-0748
34 Buttermilk Drive, Thomaston, Maine 04861
34 Buttermilk Drive, Thomaston, Maine 04861
(207) 594-0748


1. Single Stream

Single stream - This single sort container is located at the entrance of our facility. All
recycled materials must be cleaned (doesn’t have to be perfectly clean) before
disposing. This container is hauled to ecomaine for recycling. See our ecomaine
page for more information about ecomaine.
  1. Paper
  2. Rigid plastic containers marked #1-7
  3. Glass
  4. Metal

2. MSW (all other trash)

This container is for all other trash that is unable to be recycled and is located just past the single container. This container is hauled to ecomaine as well but is used to create electricity. See our ecomaine page for more information about ecomaine.

3. Food Waste

This is a drop off for ScrapDogs Composting which is located to the right of the MSW container. See our ScrapDogs page for more information about ScrapDogs.

4. Returnables Bottles and Cans

This trailer is for returnables and all proceeds go to the Pope Memorial Humane Society. See our Pope Memorial Humane Society for more information about these donations.

5. Metal

This container is for all metals which is located on the right of the upper area. All metal is recycled.

6. Appliances / TVs / Computers

All appliances, TVs and computers are stored in the trailers to the right of the metal can. We recycle everything possible. Please see an attendant for disposal.

7. Tires

Please see an attendant for disposal instructions.

8. Batteries and Bulbs

Please see an attendant for disposal
For furniture, construction debris, yard clean up, etc. please refer to the stump dump on your Town’s website:


