(207) 594-0748
34 Buttermilk Drive, Thomaston, Maine 04861
34 Buttermilk Drive, Thomaston, Maine 04861
(207) 594-0748

Scrap Dogs

ScrapDogs Community Compost is a growing composting operation, founded with the goal of minimizing waste sent to landfill and closing the loop of production and consumption in midcoast Maine. Its founders Davis and Tessa are passionate about environmentally intelligent systems, and are working to encourage a happy, healthy, and resilient food and waste system.
ScrapDogs is a residential and commercial carting, production, and sales operation. We collect food and yard waste from midcoast residents and businesses, process them into nutrient-rich, beneficial compost, and return or sell the finished product locally. Collection and processing began in the summer of 2018; already, we are collecting from a wide number of clients across the midcoast.
In early 2021, ScrapDogs launched our food delivery pilot program, offering different selections of local, quality food products to our existing customers - at the same time we collect their food waste! By integrating local farm and food partners into our business model, we're able to deepen the connection between our customers and their local food system.


